July 29, 2021

Best Home Energy Monitor: Compare Curb, Sense, Smappee, Neurio, Efergy, Eyedro, and Vue


How do you find the best home energy monitor?  What are the top devices available today to monitor electricity in real time?  Which deliver the best value to help save you money?

Although several different types of energy monitors exist, only devices based on current transformer (CT) clamps apply “universally.”  Therefore, we examine such units from Curb, Sense, Smappee, Neurio, Efergy, and Eyedro.  We also look at the Gen 2 Vue, an energy monitor and much more, which is newly available from Emporia Energy at breakthrough pricing.  For convenience, we offer the following comparison table.  Further description for each device follows the table.  

Energy Monitor comparison matrix

Already Know the Best Home Energy Monitor for You?

Perhaps you don't need to read more before you buy an energy monitor for your home.  If so, click here to purchase your choice for best home energy monitor.  Otherwise, keep reading to learn more about our view on available products!

Emporia Gen 2 Vue
Buy the Vue starting at $84.99  
Buy the Vue ON AMAZON


At nearly $400, the Curb system (boasting a whopping 18 CT clamps!) anchors the high price point and high complexity for these options.  At the other end of the spectrum, at less than $160, Efergy and Eyedro offer value pricing with a more standard two CT-clamp system.  However, Efergy only provides data at 10-second interval.  For its part, Eyedro requires peripheral equipment and cannot resolve individual-circuit data.  In contrast, the Emporia Gen 2 Vue offers continuous 1-second data; has the ability to monitor up to 16 individual circuits/appliances; and can integrate, automate, and control smart home devices to ensure you conserve and consume energy in a way that minimizes your energy bill. Starting at less than $85!  

Legacy Devices — A Review

Prior to creating its own platform (and determining to develop its own hardware), we at Emporia naturally surveyed the market.  As a result, we have a unique view with respect to smart home energy solutions and the best devices to not only monitor real-time energy, but also to automate and manage your energy use.  The results of our research with respect to six "legacy" CT-based solutions appears below.  We then follow with presentation of our own NEW offering!  


Curb Energy Monitory

The Curb Energy Monitor approaches monitoring from a highly "comprehensive" perspective.  In other words, they seek to capture data directly both from the home's main supply as well as all circuits within the home.  Thus, they provide 18 CT clamps for the job.  In addition to these clamps, the Curb requires a large hub and transmitter located in the panel and a further Ethernet-connected wall adapter located in the home.  

The comprehensive nature of Curb comes at a cost.  Both with respect to the high price point as well as a lengthy and difficult installation process.  Any buyer of this system should also be aware of potential space limitations within their panel.  Without surprise, many panels struggle to accommodate the addition of so many CT clamps as well as a relatively large hub.  


Sense Energy Monitor

The Sense Energy Monitor takes a different approach.  They don't rely on comprehensive measurement of every available circuit in the home.  Rather, Sense seeks only to measure current from the mains.  Consequently, Sense comes with  mere two CT clamps.  Further, they utilize home Wi-Fi and therefore do not require an Ethernet connection to a home's router.  Relying upon data only from two CT clamps, Sense has developed artificial intelligence (AI) to "disaggregate" individual devices used in the home.  These individual devices produce "signatures" based upon their electrical patterns.  However, customer reviews show that AI device recognition still remain somewhat elusive.  And many users report significant noise in identifying appliances.

Sense generally offers an elegant solution and a strong app experience as well.  However, the price point proves relatively high and one should be aware of ongoing difficulties in identifying devices.  The problem is that similar devices produce highly similar signals -- and the noise of overall energy use in a home can lead to AI confusion.  For example, even after six months of continuous use, we still received confusing alerts for finding "New Motor 4."  Still, we (and many others) admire the work by Sense.


Neurio Energy Monitor

The Neurio Home Energy Monitor has adopted a strategy very similar to that of Sense.  But they have done so at a slightly lower price point.  In other words, they use two CT clamps and software to disaggregate individual devices.  As a possible advantage over Sense, Neurio's transmitter is slightly smaller and therefore can fit into tighter panels.  However,  Neurio can only resolve devices using greater than 400 watts of power.  In contrast, Sense has the ability to resolve loads as small as five watts (though one should be aware of the experience issues noted above).

Smappee Infinity

Smappee Infinity

The Smappee Energy Monitor has developed an interesting approach that falls somewhere between those of Curb, Sense, and Neurio.  Specifically,  Smappee provides a modular system.  This system allows users to select the best number of CTs used for their home energy monitor.  They further offer CTs of different sizes between 50A and 1000A.  The base module contains ports for four CT clamps, which can be daisy-chained to other identical modules and inputs for an external power box and gateway.  These peripherals must live outside the panel for power from a wall outlet and data through Ethernet.  Therefore, installation may prove difficult and implementation less aesthetic.  That said, the Smappee does offer users the ability to "train" the system to recognize particular devices.


Efergy Energy Monitor

Efergy provides a value-oriented solution.  With many consumers seeking best payback from their investment in home energy monitors, this low price can make a  difference.  With this in mind, Efergy uses a 900-MHz signal to send data from two CT clamps.  Both the radio transmitter and the receiving display unit (or optional Ethernet hub) must reside outside of the electrical panel.  Further, AA batteries power the transmitter, which only transmits data once every 10 seconds.  (Note: 15- or 20-second delivery options are available to conserve battery life.)

Eyedro EYEFI-2

Eyedro EYEFI-2

In line with Efergy's energy monitor offering, Eyedro also provides a low-cost solution energy monitor called the EYEFI-2.  In contrast to Efergy, Eyedro powers its device directly from a wall outlet and offers data at 1-second density delivered over Wi-Fi.  Therefore, Eyedro boasts continuous data and no need to replace batteries.  However, it should be noted that the Eyedro system still requires a nearby electrical outlet.  And homeowners must live with equipment external to the panel. Eyedro also does not have the ability to monitor the energy usage of individual circuits or appliances.

The Gen 2 Emporia Vue: the Newest and BEST Home Energy Monitor

Gen 2 Vue Energy Monitor with 16 Sensors

Recently, a new entrant has emerged: Emporia Energy with its Vue platform.  As stated earlier, Emporia benefited greatly from its comprehensive survey of multiple available systems.  Consequently, the Vue combines the best of features available from home energy monitor devices and adds energy automation and management features that no other energy monitor offers.  And it does so at breakthrough pricing.

Specifically, the Vue offers:
Emporia Gen 2 Vue
Buy the Vue starting at $84.99  

Key Differences

Emporia's platform offers key advantages over other incumbent offerings.  


The Vue delivers 1-second, continuous data on a powerful, easy-to-use app.  Data connects from the CT-clamp system through Wi-Fi to Emporia's cloud.  Therefore, once installed, the homeowner will see no visible wires or extra hardware.  Further, homeowners need not rely upon a hard-to-find electrical outlet, Ethernet connection, or replace batteries.  And finally, the Vue will soon expand to monitor individual circuits -- and even important individual appliances for enhanced protection.  


No other device even comes close to delivering this suite of features and performance for such a low price!  This pricing and a pledge to enhance features is anchored by Emporia's commitment to deliver the greatest value to consumers possible.  

Install Options

As indicated above, the CT-based Vue is installed behind a home's main electrical panel.  This installation can be achieved either by a homeowner or by a qualified electrician.  

Access to Real-time Data -- Real Fast

Emporia has worked hard to develop an app that provides both convenience and detail.  The CT-based Vue shows data for every second of home electricity use, generally updated in two-second intervals on the app.  Users can then pan out to examine data at increments of one minute, quarter hour, hour, day, month, and year.  All the while, choosing whether to view data in terms of watts, dollars, gallons of gasoline, car miles driven, carbon used, or trees required for offset.

Innovative Co-branding Opportunity

If you are a provider of home services, Emporia offers a powerful tool to help grow your business.  Specifically, Emporia partners can develop stronger connections using the same IoT strategy of large technology companies.  

Convenient Carbon Offsetting

With real-time data and notifications, the Vue system empowers users to save money and energy.  However, at some point we still must use power.  And we therefore contribute to carbon pollution.  Emporia makes it easy and convenient to offset this impact.  

Emporia's Vue: More Than Just the Best Home Energy Monitor

So, for its price the Emporia Vue packs a lot of punch!  The Vue system offers unparalleled value and performance.  However, beyond these attributes, the Vue delivers opportunities both to home service providers and consumers concerned about their impact on the planet.  

Looking to the Future

The Vue also promises over time to deliver both demand- and supply-side data.  This means that recommendations for energy savings will consider more than mere conservation.  Rather, they will also give insight into real-time costs and fuel used for energy.  No other system considers both sides of the energy equation – all in the interest of saving consumers money and reducing carbon.

More Flexibility -- To Meet ALL Markets

Please recall an earlier mention in this post to a second device developed by Emporia.  We now address that device as promised!  

Through its research, Emporia discovered that certain markets, particularly some in southern California, utilized main electrical panels that only have access to busbars and are incompatible with CT clamps.  However, these markets typically have AMI "smart" meters equipped with ZigBee wireless transmitters.  Therefore, Emporia has designed the Vue: Utility Connect to bridge the wireless signal to Wi-Fi.  Once data hits the app, the user experience mirrors that for CT-based systems.  In this manner, Emporia seeks to address a gap in its ability to deliver a "universal" solution.


To turn a phrase, you can’t manage what you don’t measure.  Emporia believes it has designed and built the best home energy monitor -- at a price point to encourage use by all!  Further, Emporia also has designs to open its platform for data delivery in ALL markets.  So, forge into the energy transition with Emporia by purchasing your Vue now.  We look forward to the journey together!

Emporia Gen 2 Vue

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